The 'Achtkante Molen', Groot Ammers

'Acht' means 'eight', 'kant' means 'side', so 'achtkant' is an 'octagon'.
In short, this is the Octagonal Windmill.
'Groot' sounds like 'goat' with an 'r', and means 'big'.
According to H0tamer in his comment, 'Little Ammers' is the smaller village close by called Ammerstol.  Thank you, H0tamer!
Groot Ammers is a little village situated along the river Lek, which means 'leak'.
The Ammerse Boezem is a small canal leading from it.

There are, in total, five windmills in Groot Ammers, four of which stand in a straight line along the canal.  Only the owners' cars are allowed on the narrow road, which is actually more of an enlarged bicycle track than a road, or else the vehicles of repair companies hired to maintain the windmills.  Of course, I saw all four.  The fifth one is located elsewhere, and that will be for another time.  To take a close up of this from the east side of the canal, I walked 1.5 km., but it was private property and I wasn't really in the mood to ring the bell and get invited in.  Took some shots, then back to the car, in 27-degree heat, then drove through the village to the other side of the canal, and shot it from there, too.  I had walked past the first two windmills, this was the third, so now I drove further and shot the fourth one as well.  There's an extra.  I found it much prettier than the first two.  No idea if I will return for the first two, but suffice it to say that they look like the fourth but were not as pretty.  If you look at the main shot, you can actually see the fourth one, far away on the right.  Just follow the waterline.

Traffic jam on the way back through the N3 close to Dordrecht.  They are busy with road works in so many places, and all at the same time.  I have a feeling it might have something to do with the amount of money sitting in the banks at the moment, as the whole country literally saved 34 billion euros by not going on holiday or using the car much, or eating out, and so on, so perhaps the government decided to borrow to improve infrastructure.  Or am I again approaching this too simplistically?  Whatever the reasons are, the money is now being spent on infrastructure and housing.  Not bad, actually.

The Motion to Inhibit was filed by the Viking after dinner there.  He sent me a copy.  I read it and, even though I am not the person targeted in it, I found it to be quite embarrassing to read.

Before I forget, THANK YOU for all the stars, and the one heart, for yesterday's poppy!  You are all very, very kind.

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