Legging it

I thought tonight might have to be a good old EFB, since nothing exciting has really happened today.

However, sitting with my feet up and foot pack on, I thought how nice my leg was looking and totally blip worthy; even if only to serve as a reminder to me that a bit of tlc goes a long way.

Mr A is working tonight, so I took the opportunity to complete my weekly grooming ritual so I’m all ready for our trip away this weekend.

Legs shaved & exfoliated (with a mitt as I can’t risk a scrub getting in my pin sites), showered, pin sites cleaned and redressed then finally moisturised with the special cream I got from the hospital (that doesn’t affect the pins but worryingly warns to stay away from naked flames after use!!).

So while others may have ‘good hair days’, today is my ‘good leg day’ :-)

DQ x

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