
Me and His Nibs were on the 06.51 out of Waverley this morning, down to Stow in The Borders. The first thing that hits you on leaving the village is the fifteen percent climb on the road to Lauder. It's an eye-opening, leg-stretching intro to the ride for sure. And then there's all the stuff up from Duns and Longformacus, over the Lammermuirs and down to Whiteadder, the twisty-turny continuous up and down road to Garvald, the climb up from Haddington over Garleton Hill....sheesh, by the time you get to Aberlady for the coastal run home it'd all be plain sailing if you weren't a little on the tired side from everything.

A great ride! We love it!

Right - football, takeaway and Mare Of Easttown beckons for the evening's entertainment.


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