Alternative route

Holiday Day 9
It was a bit damp and very cloudy, also windy, after some rain in the night so we decided to go to Ambleside and see what the weather would do later.
Ambleside was dry, warm and calm - and it's only a few miles from Coniston - so was pleasant for a wander and a bit of shopping. It wasn't busy so going into shops was easy and we bought several books, a collapsible water carrier and I got a dress in a sale.
On the way back we stopped at the heritage butchers and bought Cumberland sausage and as the weather was brighter we decided on a walk. 
Wetherlam was the possible goal starting up the Coppermines valley and then over on the Tilberthwaite track to its highest point. At this point we changed our minds, the cloud was still down and the wind was strong and a slog to the summit didn't appeal. Instead we continued on the track, which is delightful, and down beside the Ghyll to the road which we followed down to the main road, with a small diversion to some old mine workings.
The final part was through the woods I'd run in the other direction in teh marathon and took us out a few yards from the car. We were glad we hadn't done the more strenuous option, even though the cloud lifted.
The sausage was excellent.

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