Dana Takes Charge

Where'd you put the instructions?...
Is this the lift crank?
Wait, these bolts aren't tight.
Where's the wrench?
You put the crank in that slot.
It doesn't go all the way in
Don't lock it. It's supposed to be unlocked
What do the instructions say ?
Uhhh, it says gently separate...oh wait, that's the wrong page....

The umbrella store was scheduled to come and assemble the umbrella on Monday, but Tim came up today and wanted to see it. Peter and I took the lid off the big box and we all peered in. Holding up a small plastic bag Dana said, 'There's nothing to assemble. These are the extra parts. We can do this. They all stuck in, figured it out and put it up. 

We'll have them come on Monday anyway to check it out and take away the big box.

We're wishing we'd gotten a bigger one, but it's still pretty hot out there and even an umbrella doesn't help much. It will be fine in the evening to keep the sun out of our eyes when we're more likely to be using the table. 

Or...we could put this one outside our bedroom and buy another bigger one....

I didn't really say that.

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