A beach

Up early and back down to harris to help with the out ground gatber on scarp.

A meet at the pier. First task to clear the beach and put rollers down to launch the boat. We all helped to get the grimsay built boat to the sea.

Boat launched we headed out and got the sheep gathered yesterday into the fank.

10 hog's arrived and released.

Some of headed to the north end to gather back to village. Cracking journey and we were dropped at a tiny beach.

Worked our way through the crags. We then split to gather I headed tonthe highest point.

Then walking the ground looking for sheep while looking out for the others.

Golden plovers filled the air with their calls.

The sheep started moving south and we all tried to keep our line.
Into the park but the far gate open so extra work needed.

All in and sorted. I chatted to the rest and heard the stories of the scarp families and their connections.

A lamb was born in the fank which was a nice end to the day.

A subdued voyage back with a chat and beers on the shore.

A truly special day with people coming together connected by their roots to scarp.

Hone and food with the boy.

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