Every Picture Tells .....


Pickles and Dead Lavender


Another day assisting Harriet and George shift their possessions across Nottingham in the hire van and also assisting with the building of some flat pack furniture. The day involved:

Collecting a 2 metre high bookcase from Arnold
Two van loads from the old flat to the new house including transporting a huge jar of gherkins and a pot of dead lavender
A trip to Curry's for a new microwave 
A trip to Giltbrrok IKEA for some flat pack

Dinner with Harriet and George and then a drive back up the M1 home to West Yorkshire. 

They were very appreciative of the help as can be seen from the instagram post (see extra). I'm also over the moon with a Father's Day  gift (from Harriet)  of a helicopter flight which I will shortly be booking.

A busy but rewarding weekend and nice to see them settled in in their new house.

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