
By Grammy

Today’s Selection

Sunny and way too hot all day. It is 94 deg F at 6:00 pm. I slept in till 8:00 although I was awake off and on from 5:30 am, reading, catching up on blip, FB, e-mail, etc. Decided to pick blueberries before the sun was shining on the bushes. Didn’t matter; I was a sweat ball instantly. And I picked less than half of the ripe ones. Hubby changed the oil in the car we are taking on the trip, picked up more of my meds, packed, cut grass at church and home and did other little items on the check list before our departure. I photographed a few flowers in my gardens, picked squash, packed, ironed, did two loads of laundry, decluttered, etc. It was a much less stressful day then yesterday. I especially love the orange begonia my sister gave me - on bottom row. Grandson Parker and his cousin Drew brought over dinner plates. Not sure we will be able to eat all these donated goodies. Hope they will freeze. Kim and Brooklyn stopped by to give hubby his card and gift. They went home with Japanese stir fry, slaw, ice cream and a ton of blueberries. Calling for rain tomorrow so I guess we will move all of my flower pots out front tonight so the sprinkler will water them while we are gone. I just noticed my large tomato branches are bent so I have to tie them up also. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”– Albert Einstein. My goal this week is to get all the jobs on our checklist complete so we can leave early Wednesday. Thanks for the visit and comments. Please keep daughter Kristen in thought and prayer tomorrow. Her procedure is late afternoon.

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