Last Craft Day......

....... for a couple of weeks.

It poured with rain whilst we were having breakfast.  But that was it.  Apart from a threatening sky, a few times, we've had no more rain.

We even sat outside and ate our lunch.

We've done lots of things today.  (Mia does tend to go from one thing to another rather quickly!!)

But we've done 3 jigsaw puzzles.  Taught bunny and teddy 1 - 10, and the beginning of the alphabet.

The rest of the time she's painted, drawn, play'dohd, and played with her Barbie's.

She even started to put a Lego car together.  I ended up giving that one to Grandpa.

We picked Isabella up from school, and went to a different play park, for a while.

Conversation with Isabella, on the swing.

'It's nearly Christmas Grandma.'

'I don't think so, it's 6 months away.'

'But after Mia's birthday, it will be closer.'  ( some logic there)

'After Christmas you'll be in Year 1.'

'I'm looking forward to Year 1.'

'Why's that? I asked, curiously.

'Because they've got a bigger playground.'

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