Nicktor's news

By Nicktor


Our cricket team (who play in division 6 of the league) had a 16 over cup match against Grayswood (the majority of whom play in division 3).  It was a case of men against boys - and the boys won, thrashing us by 9 wickets.  Whilst the average age possibly wasn't too dissimilar, their age range seemed to be between 21 and 25 (good ages for cricketers) and ours was between 15 and 65.  Other than Son number two (who cracked our highest score with a wonderful 23 that included two 6's), we didn't have anyone in that ideal age range.

Grayswood would have done even better had their fielding been as good as their batting.  I got to face one delivery and bowl two deliveries.  I touched the ball once whilst fielding (although admittedly, it was a particularly good touch as I ran along the boundary before launching myself in a dive reminiscent of Viz character Billy the Fish and actually managed to collect the ball and save a boundary).  Son number one and number two were both speechless, which either means it was a terrific piece of fielding, or that they have little faith in their father.  I suspect it is more of the latter, but both acknowledged that it was a terrific piece of fielding.

Because we were thrashed so comprehensively, it meant we were back home in time to watch the football.  Every cloud ....

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