Our lawn

This is our lawn, it's used as a football pitch and has grazing for 7 hens, it is home to loads of bees and other insects so I haven't had to cut it yet this year. I may cut it early July we shall see. We have a tree bumble bee nest in our shed so I think they approve.
It's full of life including daisy, clover, buttercup, field sorrel, ribwort plantain, selfheal, heath bedstraw, germander speedwell and a few different kinds of grass too. There is probably more that I haven't counted yet. We have a biodiversity crisis on which is worth remembering and a plain green lawn is a sterile one supported by weedkillers and carbon consuming fertilisers. It;s just a matter of what kind of world you wish to live in and I know what I choose.

Today has been behind a screen but I am getting there. Tonight is peaceful as the boys are out at football training. Now how shall I entertain myself

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