Welcome Back Summer!

Lovely day today.  Mum's home telephoned to ask me to top up her "pocket money".  I figured it may be ok if I could sit with Mum in the garden as it was so warm but I had to take a self test and wear mask, gown and gloves.  Have not done this before as a chat on the phone is usually best.  Bit of a faff and I didn't leave myself much time to prepare it all.  It came up negative thank goodness.  Mum was fine.  She hadn't fancied lunch today and so about half way through our time together a member of staff brought out a chicken sandwich and a hot chocolate served in a tall sundae glass with whizzy cream floater and a straw,  all specially prepared for her which she enjoyed.  I think they have made life as special as they can for the residents during this time.  I thought it was a nice touch to have presented it so well.  We had a laugh about the hearing aids I had to get replaced - Mum was down to just one as one had been missing for some time but on the day I called they had found both and I took them along to the Audiology Dept. at the hospital where the Audiologist informed me that they were two left ear aids and they were not a set.  No wonder Mum had  trouble hearing me when we tried the Visitor Pod with Perspex screen and intercom.
Late visit to allotments with a bit of low sun - very colourful every where - thought I'd catch the last of the poppies.  Sunflowers next!

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