Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Talking ......

out of the back of my head so that no one can see my red nose.

Rushed photo this morning inspired by red nose day and some very skillful multiple exposure/overlay pictures that I have seen posted recently. My effort is poor in comparison, but I wanted to acknowledge red nose day without posting a picture of a red nose.

An off topic shot that I tried to get but failed at was my bare foot inside a shoe. The inspiration for this picture was a childhood memory of the shoe department of our Co Op store in the town centre. They had this x-ray machine that you slipped your feet into and you could see how well your shoes fit. It terrified me so I never gave it a go, but can you imagine the horror - bombarding ourselves with x-rays just to see if a new pair of shoes were pinching our toes. What's wrong with just feeling them?

It's amazing that my generation has survived given the dangers we were exposed to:

Riding in a car without a seat belt
Riding a bike without a helmet
Roller skating without knee and elbow pads
Going out without a mobile phone
Walking places instead of jumping in mum and dad's taxi
Getting a smack if we were naughty
Going to a school that wasn't behind a barbed wire fence
Eating a packed lunch that hadn't been refrigerated
The umbrella ride (or witches hat) at the park, and that rocking horse with multiple seats
Spoonfulls of sugar on your weetabix
Full fat milk
Chips cooked in lard that was at least 3 months old
Being covered in olive oil when in the sun because for some reason my mum thought it would protect me
Passive smoking
Riding in trains with opening windows that you could stick your head out of
and worse of all, white dog's poo

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