Spot Rosemary

Partially very successful and also very enjoyable. The plans was to conquer Seat Sandal via the Great Tongue route to Grisedale Tarn.

In the event scones and coffee at the Apple Pie cafe in Ambleside and a shopping spree at Cunningham’s took up the morning leaving us only enough time to get to the tarn and not to the top of Seat Sandal.

We had a fortunate weather window of a few hours of clear skies and warm sunshine to toil up to the tarn and scurry down again before clouds rolled in and rain fell again.

Our ambition was curtailed as we were invited to dinner at 6.00pm at our friends Irene and Alan who live near Grange Over Sands. It was worth the disappointment of not bagging the Wainwright to spend a very enjoyable evening catching up with them.

Today’s blip is on the path up to Grisedale Tarn with Rosemary gamely bringing up the rear. Although we didn’t get to the too of the fell we did take her over the 2000 feet mark which thrilled her no end.

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