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Newly fledged sparrow broods arrive daily on the wall outside a rain streaked kitchen window. First time for these. They can't aim well enough to land on the wall directly. Either they go for the path and fly up. Or they collide with the wall about 6 inches down and scramble up, which is why you may see a head slowly appearing on the far side.

These seem to be getting the hang of picking up seeds, but the one in the centre of the picture still wants Mum or Dad to stuff its beak for it.

All the while I'm standing motionless, as the smallest move will scare them off. Chaffinches are braver. Yellowhammers couldn't care less.

The barley really is that funny colour because, although the Rude Farmer insists on sowing this corner, it's so soggy it struggles to grow at all.

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