The M?csarnok - Palace of art

This is the front of the M?csarnok museum, the blip doesn't show how big this place really is, i'll come back and photograph it when the weather is better. What's cool about this place is that it doesn't contain a permanent collection. All the work in there is by current artists, sculptors poets and designers, when you visit the artist is normally there to describe their work. Bukta is Imre BUKTA a living artist that teaches in Budapest, google him for his work.

On the weather front it's about -12 with wind chill but the snow has now stopped which is a good thing :-) I walked up to Hero square and around the park I basically had the city to myself as its a bank holiday here. On 15th March Hungarians commemorate the Revolution and the following War of Independence against the Austrian-Habsburg rule in 1848-49. This day is one of the most prominent National Holidays in Hungary.

"Rise Up Magyar the Country Calls!" See more about the Revolution here

Many thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts on my Liberty Bridge blip yesterday, it was really unexpected when it hot the spotlight and I got some wonderful feedback from you all.
The meal with the pig went as expected, great food, great wine gorgeous location, terrible company, if our paths never cross again it will be lucky for him and too soon for me.

Meeting the boys for a meal and drink tonight in readiness for the big game tomorrow :-)
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend lovely blip friends oh and look at me blipping early :-)

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