In the Heights

Out to that supermarket fine and early to get ourselves well supplied for the usual weekend pig out. For then we were off up town to see the latest temple to mammon, aka the St James Quarter. Or as the Evening News called it without qualification, "the most significant transformation to happen to Edinburgh since the Castle." Perhaps I should rephrase that to be clear that someone with any qualifications or sense of history called it that. Still, it’s impressive and large, light and airy. But more to the point we went via John Lewis who were having a bit of a sale. 40% aff! Two jackets, one pair of jeans and six pairs of socks were greedily hoovered into my bag.
Later. A film. My choice too - In the Heights. Well, after that trailer I knew it was going to be a winner. The SK’s head was in her hands. OK, the trailer shades it. Let’s just say the film itself, good in places, is about two hours too long.

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