Lockdown Birds

I suspect you'll be seeing more birds in the next two weeks as the strict lockdown continues.
The main blip is of a bower bird, and the extras, which I find very amusing, are of a sulphur crested cockatoo, hiding from me.
I always shoo them away, so as to give the smaller birds half a chance.
They are aware of me even when I'm inside, and wait for me to come out and scare them off.
The extras show the sidelong glance I'm being given:)

Today is the first full day of lockdown, owing to many outbreaks of the Delta variant across Sydney. Initially, only three areas were shut down, but that has now been extended to greater Sydney.
All the efforts and goodwill of the Australian people have been squandered by the poor rollout of the vaccines, and the lack of any effective advertising campaign. Many are more afraid of the AZ vaccine than Covid.

In a list of the 50 top wealthiest countries, Australia comes in at 49.
Only 2.8% of the population is fully vaccinated.
It's a disaster.

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