Retractable Stinger?

Do little bees release and retract their stingers? I took several photos of this little bee and this is the only one with the stinger extended! 

I am having a good day although it is really hot here. I got up early and picked 5 big baskets of Raspberries in my garden. The sprinkler came on while I was out there and it actually felt, since it was already 85F at 7:30AM. Little Miss Ellie will be over this evening.....we will be here alone since my husband went for the beach.....he has a fishing buddy over there so I don't have to worry about him going fishing in the ocean alone. 

I just saw a notice on my computer that Portland hit a record high today.; I am inside with AC on 78F and a fan aimed right on me, so I am very comfortable. I hope anyone without AC is taking advantage of all the cooling centers around the Portland area or finding other ways to cool off. 

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