No shit

You’ll be glad to know that there was no shit involved today although much discussion of it. My neighbour whose drive I was rodding yesterday rang this morning and was feeling guilty about it. I said it wasn’t his responsibility but shared amongst the five households ... unfortunately he is the end of the line. It might be relevant that his drive has just been tarmacked but there is also a huge increase in volume.
It made me think that it isn’t so dissimilar to some difficult conversations that have been going on at work relating to guilt, shame, responsibility, othering, bias, right, privilege, amongst other things.
I thought about how we can just about cope with our shit but not that of others, but shit is shit, isn’t it? We’re all human, it’s the same shit. I thought about my own feeling of special. I live here but you don’t. However, I thought about how I only rent, they own, and the others just stay and go. And so it went on ... where’s Michael Sandel when you need him?!
I then caught up with my sister and discussed the funeral arrangements of a very old family friend and letting my brother know which all felt complicated.

Enough of all that ... it was warming up after yesterday so I did various gardening jobs before heading up to Carlisle to take a work shirt back and do a food shop and decided to head on to look at the area around a house i’d seen just over the border.
I had a walk along the Solway shore, the high tide was heading out with large numbers of swans, groups of mergansers, goosanders, oyster catchers, lapwing, herons, egret, things I couldn’t work out and then this ... yikes!

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