Clover Walk!

14°C  -  12 mph SSE Wind Speed  -  16 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  Disastrous Blip experience today!!  I got some fantastic shots of the Starlings at the suet balls  -  at least six of them enjoying all together at one time!  Opened the Memory Card on my laptop and then decided to use my PC.  When I loaded onto my PC it told me the card was empty  -  tried again and got the same message.  So I decided to go back to my laptop only to be given the same message  -  card empty.  What happened???  The card held a few week’s worth of shots!  Couldn’t really get into blipping mode after all that  -  but took a walk down to the bottom of the garden to rid myself of a bad humour  -  this clover walk helped to raise my spirits:)

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