Weeks ago...

...the post arrived through the door with a thud. An Easy Life catalogue. It was full of life changing gadgets and stuff like velcro shoes, anti static pants, hoses that never kink, liquid that stops your glasses steaming up. a device that makes putting socks on easier, wind chimes etc etc. Chock full of things that always slightly disappoint. Things you thought you'd never need.

Anyway, it usually goes straight to the paper recycling bin but I must have been distracted and left it out. Mrs FP and her credit card dived right in.

We have taken delivery of this near vertical planter. It cost buttons and is actually not bad, so now we have a little herb garden by the back door.

Word of warning - if you ever buy anything from them the marketing e-mails and further catalogues are never ending. 

Be interesting to see how the plants fare.

(extra - several weeks later, it is doing rather well).

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