
By Snapjax


Gem came for their food at 9.30pm.  I was able to take a few snaps, this is not a nursing vixen but to be honest that is as far as identification goes.  It is not George who has a mask like face, has a darker brown coat with different mange markings.  I think this is the reddish smaller fox who we named Gemma as they have a dark spot on the LHS of chest.  Anyway, they are becoming bolder to come eat while I sit snapping with the patio door open.

This morning I had an appointment with Doug the bone man.  I parked away from the Health centre so that I got steps in each way. I was pleased to report no pain, but did voice my concern about a drop in size weight loss.  I am putting it down to Lockdown, 15 months without Beer and accompanying snacks. Doug thought that would equate to a stone in weight. 

Very exciting football matches on TV this evening.

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