Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

Close Encounters of a Gate kind.

I love doing this - getting all up close and personal with the gate as I reverse park in the drive. I like also doing it at speed. AND I especially like doing it with an audience.

A across the road is a great audience. If she's in the car, she does a wee yelp scream thing that I find funny.

In all my years here, I've only ever once come a cropper with this. It wasn't really with the gate - it was with the fence a bit further back, I hadn't been noticing I was too far over and scraped along the back passenger door.

Anyway. It's gardening Friday, Innit? There had to be a pic of something Gardenish. ALORS je vous présent: my drive and garage. I was going to do a wee 10 minutes and show you that the daffodils had more space round them - but then it started hail, and rain, and sun and hail. Then it got dry and then the hail started......... Oh you know what I mean - SO I gave up and tidied out my gardening box instead - you know the one - full of gloves, and hacksaws and rasps and dibbers and plant ties and actual helpful things like forks and the odd stanley knife.

I was sad when I had to throw out my favourite 'secretaries' but they broke last week so had to go. :-(

Today I reached 5000 views. Compared to most, this is a drop in the ocean but Thank You all you blippers for passing by. Even more thanks for taking the time to say anything :-D Happy Weekend.

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