Grand Tour of England Day 23

We had a lovely evening with Marion and Steve then spent the night in the van in their drive near Newark.

It was cool when we left this morning but the day got warmer the further north we got. We stopped at Aiskew, near Bedale to call on Mary and Graham for coffee. We hadn’t seen them for 10 years, when they had their B&B on Barra. They were originally neighbours in Suffolk. They invited Diana, another Suffolk neighbour, also now living in Yorkshire, so we had a nice catch up before driving home.

Here’s our symbol of being almost home - The Angel of the North from the van as we sped past on the A1.

Oh dear, what a state of weeds we have and Mr C will have to be out watering his veg. The pak Choi has gone to seed and some of the newish rasps plants did not make it.

It’s hotter here than it’s been most of our trip south but I suspect everyone is inside watching England v Germany. If England win I suppose it will all be down to the Prime Minister’s glorious leadership.

The hospital has changed the time for my scan so I’ve had to leave a message for Adam to say I’ll need a different hair appointment. There was a letter for Mr C to say he has to have a video call with the cardiologist in a couple of weeks. No idea why. Dennis’s bladder cancer op went well today, but Jo has to wait for results from the biopsy of the suspected skin cancer above her eye. If it needs an op it will be complicated.

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