
By strawhouse


MIss E was off again this today. She looked a bit better this morning - and could string a slightly more coherent sentence together! - but still not right so I told her to go back to sleep. 
After I'd woken her up to see how she was!
After a pretty lazy morning I decided to go to Tesco to get some dog food. As I drove up I saw all the kids coming out of school. I had no idea it had got so late!! There are two secondary schools next to each other and they stagger the end of the day so between 3.15 and 3.45 there are thousands of kids everywhere.
Mrs C waits in the swimming pool car park every day so I thought I'd pop in and say hello through the car window for a while before Miss J came out. It was chaos in the car park. Gridlock, people reversing, beeping minibuses. it was horrific!
And Mrs C wasn't parked in her usual space. Sigh.
More chaos turning round and trying to get out. And then I saw Mrs C arriving. I was flashing and pointing to get her to park next to me (no doubt adding to the chaos!!) and yay, she saw me and parked alongside.
We had a nice catch up until Miss J arrived and then it was to Tesco. Leaving the car park was much easier!
Home to watch England beat the Czech Republic 1-0.
Sadly Scotland lost to Croatia.
MIss E got in a bit of a tizz tonight about being volunteered in her absence to do high jump and discus tomorrow for sports day. She said she felt well enough to go back to school but didn't want to do the sports events. I told her to email her teacher and explain which she did and I was very proud of her grown up, reasonable email.
I was less impressed by his response saying basically that if she couldn't find anyone to replace her she'd have to do it.
Not your job I told her, and said that with my extensive medical expertise I thought she would be far too ill to go to school tomorrow.  
But not so ill that she had to stay in bed which is my normal condition for a day off school!
And if anyone doesn't like it I told her, you can refer them to me.
Channelling my inner tiger mom!!
If she'd volunteered I'd have told her to suck it up and dragged her there myself if necessary. But being told she has to do it because no-one else wants to seems a bit ridiculous.
She was clearly quite delighted to have me so on her side. 

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