
By D77

Beginning of the end

Wahiba sands

Larissa and I went for a weekend stay at the 1001 nights camp in the desert with a group of friends who quickly became anything but.

One of our 'friends' showed their true colours on this trip when the girl drank herself unconscious and puked all throughout the next day (making enjoying the trip impossible) complaining that her severe reaction was that she was in fact allergic to alcohol. Most of the other people there did the same thing but had the wit not to blame it on an allergic reaction and on their stupidity instead.

This particular incident was all it took for me to wipe my hands of such twatty people and so we just stopped answering calls and communicating until they got the message. They are the worst type of ex-pats; namely those who think they are above it all as they earn lots of money and have a big social group of hideously retarded beings just like them who like to drink and flash their perfect bodies on boats.

Sadly, I'm not like that, which is why I only have a handful of friends out here.

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