Strawberry fair

Singing buttercups and daisies la la.
I bought these at the supermarket this morning.
Advertised as Sweet and juicy.They were not but sour and juicy :( 
I dont even like fruit but these looked ok apart from being wonky.
Last week it was chips OTT. :( 
Next I met up with the cousin of my old neighbour I blipped recently.
That was nice and I had 2 cups of lovely strong coffee which was worth the money.
The cafe used to be a Florist and opposite the Deli where I worked.
There's so many changes in the street it was unbelievable.
We walked around the charity shops(there's loads) then I caught the bus home.
Next I had trouble with this tablet (nothing new there) 
I got into my library account but tried again later and it wouldn't accept details.
I'm having a g&t now for my nerves and might have to have another one.
I wonder what its like to have a stress free day ??? ;););)

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