Day 465 Gotcha!

Several years ago jays visited our garden in droves:  I could hardly get into my car without finding one at least  on a nearby fence post.  Then they stopped calling, until last year when a couple deigned to drop by and this year they have become more frequent visitors.  Like magpies they are notoriously jumpy if they spot movement and a camera lens so I was lucky to get several shots today.  They were taken through glass and although this jay was only a few feet from the glass doors, I had to take the pics with my camera hand held from half way up the dining room.  Still I am pleased to have 'captured' one.
In other news: the lovely J, our decorator has finally been able to come and repair a landing ceiling where we had a flood well over a year ago and also paint the metal fire surround in our living room.  When he completed the room in February 2020, we couldn't make up our minds what colour to repaint the surround and so it got left.  As it turns out our first choice was the wrong one and J has had to redo it in white.
This evening Mr Murray once again had me on the edge of my seat( Mr MC and The Son had gone to the pub) as he took rather a long time to beat Oscar Otte taking us to 10.30pm before winning.  As the new owner of a bionic hip myself, I have new admiration for what he has achieved over the past few years in terms of recovery.

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