Pegs on legs

I couldn’t wait to get home today; my leg is killing me.
One of my pin sites is looking quite angry and because of the inflammation and proximity to my ankle, moving about has been torture to say the least.

Friday is dressing day though, so everything has been duly inspected and cleaned and the offending pin is now tucked up with an inadine (iodine) patch, which should reduce the inflammation and irritation over the next few days.

I’ve come so far, I point blank refuse to get an infection when I’ve only 4 weeks left to go. Not on my watch!

I’m pretty certain nobody wants to see my leg for the umpteenth time, so instead have a gander at my latest parent hand me down.
My mum bought this portable rotary dryer but decided she wanted a fixed one, so donated it to me.

It’s great after a few minor modifications by Mr A , as I can move it round the garden to follow the sun or I can pop it under our patio canopy if there’s a threat of rain and it still gets aired and dried. Perfect :-)

DQ x

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