Joe's world in picture

By joejoe80

Creme Egg

So I seem to have entered the world of naff blips (hopefully) only for a few days!

It has been one crazy hectic week and with the half marathon approaching this weekend there are only so many things you can focus on! Lunch breaks have been spent either doing yoga, strengthening my core or rolling my legs out on the foam roller! After a Monday - Friday and getting home at 9.15pm week there was nothing better than settling down on the sofa with left over Papa Johns for dinner washed down with a few glasses of red wine and finished with a delightful Cadbury Creme Egg!

Shock Horror I think its my first Creme Egg of the Year!

PS I'm counting all the cr@p food intake as "carb-loading" better try and be a bit healthier next week!

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