Aww, it's a baby hawk!

So a few days ago I was taking pictures of a red tail hawk in this same location, tonight it's either a sharp shin or a cooper's hawk.  Compared to the red tail this was so tiny.  Based on the way it was literally falling through the tree branches I'm certain that it was in fact a baby.  In the extras is a shot, not a great shot of it falling through the branches.  You can see it's under markings.

Today was a good productive day.  I have a couple of cedar trees along the east fence line that are between a couple of apple trees.  I hate mowing under them and had let weeds, Virginia creeper, and of course some baby willow trees start to take over.  (see extras) The puppies thought this was a wonderful hiding location to play in.  This made me nervous because who knew what kind of mischief they were getting into.  Today I got busy and pulled up all the weeds, cut back the baby trees and made it so you can see the whole fence line as well as a bunch of cotton wood seeds piled up. (again see extras)

There is a mess of cherry trees, beauty bushes, and who knows what all else along the south fence line that the puppies hide under.  This is also the place that the neighbor's stupid chickens like to hide under and look for bugs and what not.  Tomorrow morning hopefully while it's still cool I'm going to attack that.

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