
By bananablip

It’s Coming Home

Well, it’s probably not…but I’m enjoying the hype all the same.

Today was glorious in that firstly, I woke up in my own bed and not in a tent. I love camping but totally ready for a weekend at home.

After binge watching Below Deck all morning (what have I become?!), I headed out into the hills to meet up with some old school friends for an afternoon tea to celebrate Claire’s birthday. Claire, for one reason and another, hasn’t had any alcohol for seven years so you can imagine what fun it was as a bottle of Prosecco was opened. A lovely afternoon of catching up with old friends and mostly chatting about those old times. We are a fairly rare group, I think, who look back on our high school days with absolute joy.

A quick change (into the most England-y outfit I could find) before heading out to Lucy and Roddy’s for a Mexican feast and some most excellent football. What a funny experience, watching an England team who actually looked like they knew they were doing.

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