Windmill 'Windlust', Achthuizen

'Windlust' has to be one of my favourite names... so applicable.
'Achthuizen' sounds like 'Acht-HOW-zen' with a twist of 'i' or 'Acht-HIGH-zen' with a twist of 'u', and means 'eight houses', most likely the number of houses on the dike when people started naming their hamlets.  This hamlet eventually became a village, and it's even expanding a bit with some new residential areas, but this will be limited unless some farms get sold to project developers.  I hope not.

Pushed myself out of the house today to kickstart my system again, and get some adrenaline going.  The sun in the afternoon was a good motivator.  Our man in France lost the Yellow Jersey to the Slovenian Pogaçar, no problem, and I heard he'll give up the Tour for the Olympic challenges in Tokyo.  AW watched the football games, I did not.

Later in the evening, I asked myself why I had to feel so much negativity when, thinking about my situation, I'd actually managed to accomplish quite a number of things these past 32 years, things I don't have to be embarrassed about at all.

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