Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This morning, a relative from Australia called me on messenger. I haven't talked to him in a while, so it was nice to hear his voice and also to hear that he and his family are ok. He's still devastated by the loss of our relative in February. They're close and talked several times per week. It was his uncle that passed. And his uncle was my dads cousin. We talked for almost an hour and it was interesting to compare Australias, or the part where he lives near Perth, way to handle Covid with Swedens. Different. They'd just come out of a four day long lockdown and Sweden is opening up more and more and more. We were asked to go into personal lockdown, they were told to. He hopes to 'come home' next summer, and I hope I get to see him then.
Not feeling so good today, but it'll hopefully change until tomorrow, or the next day.

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