The Orient Express

By koko

Last day off

Made the most of today as its my last day off for a while, went out to the edge of the cotswolds and had a walk around the pretty village Broadway and then took in a stroll along the footpath, all's well so far. Then decided to journey up to Broadway tower travelling up a massive hill to get to it, it was then the weather started to turn. On reaching the top i noticed the nuclear bunker was open , so it was a trek up to the tower to be directed to it. Halfway up to it the heavens opened and i was told the bunker had closed due to adverse weather as its quite a steep climb down to it. Well travelling back to the car was a nightmare, so wet, cold and nasty. My jeans got soaked, so the journey home was spent with the heater on drying out. All good fun i think.
Last nights night out was very good and it felt so good to be laughing for most of it.

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