That was the chair that was

That was the chair that was.

So I woke up this morning and gradually got myself in to a mood. It started because I kept loosing things.
First as I was emptying the dish washer, I could not fine the lid to the vegetable steamer.

Then, I lost one of the Camera Clubs Trophy's I am about to give back.

So to get myself out of the mood I decided to take it out on the old chair that was destined for the tip.

We had already taken one of these chair and I nearly gave myself a hernia getting it out of the car. I thought ' If I strip it down there may be some wood that could be useful for me in the future'

I am alway on the lookout for old furniture to reclaim the wood.
As it turned out the wood was not worth the bother but it was much easier to load into the car to take to the tip.

They say problems come in three's I then lost my car keys.

Thank goodness Sue has better eyes than me.

For your information :-
- The Steamer Lid was in with the plates - Why did I do that?
- The Camera club trophy was hiding in the white box that I was looking for right next to the other trophy to go back - Why did I do that?
- My car keys had been put in the wrong draw - Why did I do that?

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