
By WeeL

The Modern Art Gallery is still standing

My stepson told us that the Modern Art Gallery in Glasgow was being demolished. While I didn't think this was correct as we were sure it was a listed building, I thought I would go and take a look today in case there were any photo opportunities!

I am glad to report the Modern Art Gallery is still standing ;-) Instead the building opposite has been demolished! It used to be the Bank of Scotland.

It is not very often that you see the Duke of Wellington statue without a police cone on it but here it is with the partially demolished building opposite.

Had a nice relaxing day today. Went for a wander and then bought a DVD. Now I don't want you all to judge me on my choice but I bought the last Twilight film!!!!

I know they are totally rubbish and yes I'm about to be 40 and yes I hear you they are totally rubbish (said it again so you know I know) and the acting is terrible and they are totally rubbish!!!! Here's the thing - I like them! Well I like the books and I think the films are rubbish but good! Please remember I am sensible, I am an accountant and as I said don't judge me on my choice of film! ;-)

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

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