Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

PTE Paul Lowe

Fife villages have a strong sense of togetherness . It probably stems from many of them being old mining communities and the camaraderie and solidarity that they share and experienced.

Also many a young lad has made their way from the villages and headed into the forces.

PTE Paul Lowe was one of them.

He served in the Black Watch and at the tender year of 19, he and 2 other comrades from Fife were killed by a bomber in Falluja while serving in Iraq in November 2004.

The village of Kelty, as a close knit community, wanted to remember "one of its own sons", and taking inspiration from another piece of street art, a mural was commissioned... The funds were raised and this is the memorial created.

I'm sure that his family, though grieving for the loss of a dear loved one, will take great comfort in the fact that many gathered round to support them and raise the required cash to enable this memorial to be created.

A fitting tribute indeed.

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