Another wet walk

Lovely circular walk along the river, up through the next village and back across the top road. Rained heavily for about four k, then drizzle. Hubby suggested a flask of cocoa instead of coffee and how lovely it was stood looking down the valley drinking it.
We all started to dry off on the way back but still required towels for hair and Hetty.
Hubby cleaned the wood burner and I did the bathroom this afternoon. We head home tomorrow, daughter arrives on Saturday and we like everything to be perfect for them.
Read for about an hour before cooking dinner.
Hubby’s back much better today but we didn’t run, and he keeps getting up and moving around this evening so it doesn’t go again.
Not happy about the lifting of all restrictions on the 19th, just seems wrong when infections are heading up again. Was planning an evening out with a small group of friends on 27th but as everywhere will be back to no masks and no distance think I will give it a miss.

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