Smile for the Camera

It has been raining all day, but not too cold +8C.  Some of the skifields are getting snow, others rain!  The wind direction is due to change later on tonight, then we will all get some of the promised snow.

Because none of the ski fields are open today, town has been very busy, especially the cafe's.  I had morning tea with the church ladies, and that cafe was full.    I then had a walk into town (in the rain), which is where I got this photo.

Later on today the walking group is having a farewell drinks and nibbles for one of the walkers who is heading back to the UK in a couple of weeks.  She hopes to sell up and move back to NZ in the near future.  We will miss having her around.

In the meantime we will put another log on the fire, and watch the rain fall, and hope for a sunny day tomorrow.

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