
While out walking in an isolated part of the country a man stopped his car ahead of me, and leapt out carrying something small in his hand.

"You are probably wondering what I am doing," he said.

"Well, it did cross my mind ..." .I did not add, "Because you are behaving very suspiciously."

"Well, I belong to"

"What's that?"
"A global online network of treasure hunters."

In his hand was a GPS. It directed him to a nearby gate and the clue was underneath a stone.

I watched fascinated. Yet another example of how our virtual and the real worlds are blending into one.

There are over 1 million users of, and it's free to join.

Yes I have joined up and I can't wait to find my first "treasure."

Meanwhile todays blip pic is of some tulips on my kitchen window. If you look carefully you will see a "ghost in the machine".

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