Acorn Woodpecker

Judging by the fact that this fellow arrived and waited his turn on the pole instead of scattering all the little birds, the nuthatches and finches and chickadees, leads me to believe that he is a juvenile and hasn't learned the ornery ways of his species yet. He certainly has their crazed markings though. I love the way the black feathers phase into the white ones on his breast like some sort of complicated intarsia.

The acorn caps have fallen in great numbers sans acorns this year. It must be because the trees are stressed, which in turn is stressing the woodpeckers! last year's crop of acorns fell in huge amounts right after the fire, carpeting the ground and creating yet one more hazard on top of the ash and smoldering roots. Usually the woodpeckers collect the acorns and stash them in any available crevice, including holes they make in the side of the house, but apparently they don't like roasted acorns, for we haven't found any. I suppose that could also be because many of the usual places they put them also burned. We have replaced as much as we're going to replace for now but there are no acorns, only empty acorn caps. On close inspection his little red beanie doesn't look like feathers but like some sort of carefully balanced scarlet zucchetto, the skullcap worn by cardinals (of the Catholic, not the avian variety).

Today has been one of those days when little was attempted and even less accomplished. John and Dan are putting up a new light on the outside of the pump house which will light the table out there. It was supposed to be an easy task since there was already an electric box there, but drilling a hole through the side wall has proved problematic because, according to John, it is built like the proverbial brick s**t house, although it is neither brick nor an outhouse. 

At least the boys of the Tour de France were back in the mountains today which takes care of our evening viewing. They've had a miserable time of it with rain and freezing temperatures. I hope things improve for them or at least that they have the necessary clothes to avoid hypothermia....

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