
So, gamely got up did my gym class and walked to work.

I’d let my boss know of Hs CV positive status, despite having no contact with him, I felt I should alert the boss and he would hopefully take the safest option and not risk his staff or my patients and say not to come in. I was only showing willing as when I got tracked and traced back in November he had kicked up such a stink as if it were my own fault.Also I knew Health and Safety and insurance wise he couldn’t let me work, but with barely a moments hesitation, he gave me the green light.
That was fine, I’ve only three more days to work then a holiday and I do not want to jeopardise that!
But no, half way there I got the phonecall from a very panicky boss saying to turn around and making sure I hadn’t contaminated the practice.I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry! Aha. I can garden, yippee!
Turned round, the rain started and didn’t stop, torrential., all day.
Landed home in a bit of a dwam and managed to successfully waste the morning reading the papers and watching telly stymied, what is it I do when I don’t work again? Even Cyril had a good look through the window, felt I was the one being watched for a change.
Weather killed play and didn’t feel I could go out anyway so housework it was. Cleaning my bedroom and the bathrooms within an inch of their life. I even hoovered under the bed! By the end of the day had got back into the grateful mode, three unexpected days off at home, HURRAH!now bugger off rain so I can attack the real housework, the garden.

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