The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

The clean version

This was the before  picture,  just be grateful there isn't  an after and especially smellyvision. A strong shampoo and shower for the slightly less bold MonStar and we headed off.
A long promised visit to M and J in Inverness  with a surprise addition of Chantelle. We were a day too early for Tiree and her big 30. Lovely  to see them and the amazing home they are carving. I don't  know if Inverness is ready for them, but we really enjoyed our visit.
We eventually  took our leave and headed for the most beautiful  Glen in Scotland.  All will be revealed tomorrow... if the hype is true or not. I was probably  5 when last here, so I have no idea. A lovely  campsite in amoungst the Scots Pine. 

Oh and I forgot to say that a Phishing email wasn't  at all it was a full on Yes one. Banking account and the game is on. (To be honest this is just for my future reference,  when it all began.)

As aye


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