
Yes, it's been raining and is very humid. These flowers, the name of which I always forget, are just about to burst open - a bright yellow like mini sunflowers. The moistures always gathers in their remarkably hairy buds.
An outline of the holy well book is now ready to be sent off to a couple of people - Himself kindly snazzied it up and did the correct formatting for me, so it's just about good to go.
A walk was needed after that, the Funeral Path in Kilcrohane, which is much jollier than it sounds.
And thank you to Misswinterfinch for identify the saintly gathering in yesterday's blip. (Joesblips you did pretty well)They are:
St Anthony and the Child Jesus, Mary, Immaculate Conception, St Benedict (in black), Our Lady of Fatima, St Benedict (white), Mary, Immaculate Conception (small and 1950's version). St Benedict, you may be surprised to know, I was, is patron saint of Europe no less. Think Benedictines and it becomes clearer. Doesn't it??

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