
Have heard people say walking in boring - doesn’t apply to the bus pass reccy walk undertaken with YorkshireBred today

The bus caught from the village to Keighley - was in a collision with a motorist at Morton - R sat on middle back seat ended up being sprawled down the bus aisle - was helped up by the other four passengers - took some time for the drivers involved to swop phone numbers - take photos - nobody was harmed but the vehicles involved had dents

A good walk ensued from Keighley Golf Club - through Alder Carr Wood - and back to Keighley along the canal - spotting these folk with alternative water transport - with a diversion into Utley Cemetery - dead good detour

Village Scarecow Festival starts tomorrow - organised by fellow blipper airedaleknitter - espied this one being walked into place - whilst walking home after the outing - walking really isn’t boring

Have changed main shot

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