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A mere twenty months after the walls were channeled out for new sockets and the re-siting of a wall light, plaster was finally applied today! Mind you, there was a ten year gap between taking the wall light down and putting it back up in a different place so, by our standards, less than two years to get something done is pretty quick work!
And thus ends week two of the long awaited home improvements. Compared to a fortnight ago we have lovely new interior doors - complete with new handles and latches, a purpose built casing in the alcove in the lounge (ready for the installation of shelves and display cabinets) and sundry holes plastered. In addition, all sorts of general tidying up of woodwork has taken place as the joiner has spotted loose skirting or badly fitted mouldings. We’ve also had the lounge window resealed, though that was more by accident than design (see yesterday’s blip for details).
On the downside, we no longer have a wardrobe, most of our clothes are in cardboard boxes and the lounge is full of furniture from the other rooms! But returning to the positives, we have more paint and tile samples to try, the electrician, decorator and carpet fitter dates are all scheduled (some a bit more firmly than others it must be said) and the new fitted wardrobe should be going in next week. I think the only trade we are lacking now is a tiler, but we do have a lead in that respect which will hopefully prove fruitful.
Time to draw breath now and enjoy the weekend. Though not before we’ve dusted and hoovered throughout. Yes, I know it will all be muck up again next week, but it’s nice to enjoy a bit of cleanliness for a couple of days at least!

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