The Road is Mine!

This road ("Kaiserstraße") between Hauptstuhl and Landstuhl has been closed for traffic (except bicycles) for about a month and it will be closed until some time in August. A new roundabout is build at an intersection, where accidents happen all the time. I hope the roundabout will do the trick.

Extra 1 and extra 2 show the construction side (the big bridge is the Autobahn A62), where I turned around.
On the way to the construction site I used the cycle path and on the way back I cycled in the middle of the two lane street - it was all mine (extra 3). About 5 km to and from and no traffic, except a handful of other cyclists - in the middle of the road like me!

I never use this cycle path in "normal" times - way too much traffic, but may repeat this before the road opens to cars again. It was very different to cycle on concrete, but also fun. My "normal" route on gravel paths and through the woods runs parallel to the street (on the left from the main photo), takes much longer, but is of course much nicer in the shade of trees and in company of birds and deer.

Adding to the fun today were the butterflies sitting on the warm concrete (so many!) and the blooming linden trees which filled the air with their scent (just like the big linden tree at home, which I enjoyed with open doors and on the balcony the second day). 

20:10; 21°C
and looks like more rain will soon arrive

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