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I finished the Jack Reacher book (Without Fail) which had me engrossed all the way through.
This book about Crete is one I've had for years and never got around to reading.
It's a very old book and looks like it was one of the early copies from 1975!
I hope it's enjoyable - if it isn't interesting early on I may sack it rather than persevere.
Had a pretty lazy day today - done a few bits around the house but not many.
Left calf in permanent aching spasm due to having to walk on my left foot sideways (ie on the big toe mainly) to keep the broken toe off the ground / no weight on it. This is a nuisance let alone a pain!
Can someone wave a magic wand and heal the break right away please?! I have no patience.
Rearranged my car service for the 19th - thinking this is way too optimistic!
Watched the ladies singles final at Wimbledon and was pleased Barty won. I don't think I will watch the men's tomorrow as I can't stand too much stress (!) in one day and I am certainly going to be watching England vs Italy. 

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